About Us

Welcome to Vara Vastram, your ultimate destination for exceptional Men's and Women's fashion. As a small online business, we take immense pride in offering our Global clientele premium clothing at unbeatable prices. Our stunning collection comprises Sarees, Blouses, Petticoats, Bridal, and Bridesmaid Lehenga cholis, as well as men's wear Kurta pajama sets.

At Vara Vastram, we not only focus on the Quality and details of our garments but also on making a difference in our Community. Many of our creations showcase exquisite handwork by local women, providing them with meaningful employment opportunities and empowering them economically.

Our founder, Mr. Nitin Bhayani, is a veteran in the Textile industry whose expertise has propelled Vara Vastram to become a frontrunner in the world of fashion. With our in-house production facility and an in-depth understanding of the textile industry, we are perfectly positioned to bring you the latest trends and styles in men's and women's fashion.

By choosing Vara Vastram, you become a valued part of our journey to provide outstanding garments at competitive prices while uplifting our local community. We are deeply committed to delivering exceptional customer service and nurturing long-lasting relationships with our customers. Thank you for supporting Vara Vastram, and we eagerly look forward to adorning you with the finest in men's and women's fashion.